

7.17.13  Camaraderie.  It’s something we talk a lot about here in CrossFit.  It’s what makes CrossFit so different and so much better than anything else out there.  Sure, if you were part of a sports team you understand the camaraderie amongst teammates, but I doubt you had it with your competition.  Whether it’s the competition between fellow athletes here at J19, a local competition between boxes, or the South East Regional, camaraderie is felt at all levels.  We give each WOD our all, but never fail to encourage and cheer on a fellow athlete.  The camaraderie you see is a testament to the character of a CrossFitter.  We want to see each other succeed, as we are all working toward common goals.  The brutality of CrossFit is what bonds us and creates such a positive and supportive community. 

Check out the video posted below; a great examples of CrossFit Camaraderie!



2013 J19 Two Person Team Championship


A Long Way In A Short Time